Jul 25, 2023

Predictions and Trends for Workplace Collaboration - What can we Expect in the Future?

Most companies were impacted by the pandemic and had to take immediate action when society shut down. Remote work became the new norm, while some employees returned to the office full time. A new hybrid work model emerged. Collaboration became increasingly important to form new creative ideas. In the following article, we will take you through some of the latest trends. What future strategies can improve team efficiency?

How does the hybrid work model impact collaboration?

The new hybrid model offers a lot of freedom and flexibility. Since colleagues do not meet each other every day in the office, they have started using different collaboration tools. Instant messaging apps like Slack, Teams, and Yammer bridge the gap between in-house and remote employees. Cloud-based project management systems make it easier to track weekly tasks and adhere to agreements and deadlines.

Furthermore, collaboration was strengthened when people could meet in smaller, collaborative spaces and interact with remote colleagues with the help of modern technology. A more extensive overview of the latest trends and predictions for the future of workplace collaboration will follow below.

Better collaboration with huddle rooms

Over the years, there have been several types of office layouts. The classical cubicles provided a designated desk for each employee. Traditional rooms with a door were mainly occupied by middle-managers, salespeople, and CEOs.

Cubicles were gradually replaced with an open floor plan to increase collaboration and transparency. Team members were able to see if their colleagues were present, and the manager could keep an eye on the workflow.

However, recent surveys, such as the Workplace Survey, have concluded that 50% of the employees feel distracted and less productive in these office spaces.

Another solution has surfaced: huddle rooms. A smaller room with glass walls still provides transparency and availability but offers more privacy and solitude. They can usually be booked in advance when colleagues would like to brainstorm and discuss topics without being interrupted, making it easier to have impromptu meetings.

Video conferences can be held in the huddle room to communicate with remote employees without disturbing other colleagues.

Another advantage of huddle rooms is that they don’t take up much space. That is great news for space managers who would like to reduce overhead costs. Due to the hybrid work model, fewer people will come to the office every day, and the office layout has to reflect that. Setting up or removing a huddle room is easier too, making it a great solution if the company needs to scale up or down.

Remote workers appreciate co-working spaces

With less real estate and more remote workers, there will most likely be an increase in coworking solutions. If remote workers need access to a desk outside of their home occasionally, companies can offer them a membership in an office close to their home or closer to the actual office. This solution is convenient when employing remote workers in different regions. They may want to meet clients and work in one of the region’s larger cities from time to time. A coworking place is perfect for employees when they want to swing by for some networking or change their environment.

New technologies change the way we work

What seemed only possible in sci-fi movies is now almost a reality. Companies are now going out of their way to try the latest trends. Keep reading to see what’s on the horizon.

Smart meeting rooms

Technology evolves constantly, making collaboration in the workplace more streamlined and innovative. New tech tools will improve presentations, training, and communication with remote employees.

Here are some examples:

  • Virtual assistants that respond to voice queries.
  • Interactive keyboards that make presentations more visually appealing.
  • 360-degree video cameras that give video conferences a great vibe.
  • Sound and lighting adjustments that can be made smoothly for a comfortable experience.

Most workplaces find it hard to hold efficient meetings. In a smart meeting room, the meeting can be transcribed and presented in another follow-up session efficiently. With the help of software, all units can be synchronized to collect data, which can be presented with charts and graphs. When you can gather, share, and implement a steady flow of information, everyone will see the bigger picture and feel more motivated.

Asynchronous communication

Earlier, we mentioned the benefits of chat programs and live video meetings. However, if some of the remote employees operate in different time zones, asynchronous communication will come in handy. Employees do not feel obliged to be available during a certain time of the day. Instead of having an online meeting with immediate reactions, the process can be slowed down, and responses can be posted during the course of the week. Team members will receive notifications as soon as a comment is posted.

Virtual reality is a reality

Innovative companies have moved past the idea that VR is only for gamers. New technology allows us to enter fictional worlds that open our minds to new ideas.

VR can be highly beneficial for collaboration when people cannot meet face to face to explore different solutions. It enables you to showcase your ideas effectively and enhances people's understanding of your work.

Imagine meeting people from across the world in a massive online conference - VR makes it possible! Engineers and architects can present their latest designs and invite people to "enter" with their VR glasses on. It can also be used for training purposes for security personnel or healthcare staff.

The only challenge is that technology sometimes lags behind and cannot offer the ultimate user experience. Other concerns include security vulnerabilities and increased expenses and repair costs.


Artificial intelligence is no longer an abstract concept and has become a present part of people’s everyday work life. According to a report by McKinsey, 50% claim that they have used AI at work.

AI offers a wide range of services - everything from voice search to content creation and translation. Monotonous tasks can be delegated to AI, freeing up time for employees to focus on core tasks and collaborate with other team members.


Since the world is becoming more digital, it is only natural that scammers and criminals operate differently. Businesses are investing in more security and privacy networks than ever. Cybercriminals tend to use increasingly advanced methods, and companies need to keep up with them.

Due to increased online communication, data is transferred more frequently, and companies are vulnerable to breaches. In the future, online collaboration will be protected by top-of-the-line passwords, encryption, and VPNs

Employee wellbeing and professional development

The modern workforce is not as loyal as their grandparents used to be. Before, it was practically standard to stay in the same business for 10-20 years. Nowadays, no one will raise an eyebrow if you have only been with a company for 3 years. People below the age of 40 pursue the job they want and are not afraid to try out new careers to raise their salary and boost their career.

During the pandemic, a new term saw the light of day: The Great Resignation. It started in the wake of COVID-19, and a great number of employees quit their current jobs due to inflexible remote work policies, toxic working environments, and low wages. Sectors that were hit the hardest were healthcare, education, and hospitality. People had more time to consider their options while being in quarantine. Some also suffered from post-COVID and burnout due to their job situations. Dealing with customers face-to-face increased the risk of being infected with COVID-19.

Many workers took the opportunity to switch careers completely in the hope of finding a more fulfilling job and a better work-life balance.

Businesses that want to retain their skilled employees will have to offer more than just an annual pay raise and a fun Christmas party. A trusted company with a stellar reputation gives employees the professional and emotional support they need. This includes providing more learning opportunities, offering new challenges, and creating a more flexible work environment.

Employees stay at a company longer if they can make a difference and if their efforts are highlighted. This will result in higher retention rates and also attract more talented professionals.

Employees with a flexible work schedule feel healthier and more productive. When they can influence their schedule, employees are able to take short breaks, eat a healthy lunch in a calm environment, and spend more time with friends and family after work. Companies improved employee satisfaction by creating online communication guidelines for availability and giving people time to disconnect on weekends and evenings.

Some employers also design tailor-made programs for high-performing employees who might have personal struggles such as stress or mental issues. Activities could include mindfulness retreats or wellness coaching."

Inclusion in the workplace

How can people of all genders and ethnic backgrounds feel included in the workplace? This topic has been a subject of debate over the course of a few decades. A great number of companies have taken steps towards diversity and anti-racism. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and every company has to figure out what works best for them.

In our global world, it is essential to understand that people are different. When the company reflects the demographics properly, the new solutions will better suit the target group. When skilled professionals with different ideas come together, it sparks more creativity, ultimately leading to increased profits over time.

Companies aiming to implement diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) strategies should welcome inclusive language in everything from job ads to meetings. Some companies even set up a department that focuses solely on these types of topics.

The future of work is around the corner

Companies that are brave enough to try new trends will stay ahead of the competition. Being able to make predictions for the future makes it possible to satisfy employee needs.

Of course, not every suggestion will suit your business. If you are on the lookout for flexible solutions for the hybrid office, Flowscape has your back. An inspiring working environment and great team spirit will never go out of style.

Seeking guidance on how to set up your hybrid office for success?

Don't hesitate to schedule a meeting with one of our product experts. They can provide valuable insights into our solutions and how technology can help streamline your office processes without disrupting employees' daily work.

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