Dec 21, 2023

Workplace Analytics - Discover the Power of Data

Blog post about Workplace Analytics

The future belongs to tech, but a company's most valuable asset is its employees. By making data-driven decisions to eliminate workplace inefficiencies, workplace productivity will increase. Workplace analytics provide an efficient solution that reveals everything from room occupancy to employee attendance in the building. Keep reading to explore the potential of space management. Elevate your performance from good to excellent and watch your profits soar.

Work smarter with workplace analytics

Today's flexible and hybrid workers demand a fresh approach to the physical office. But how can you create an ideal, stylish workspace without exceeding your budget? The physical workplace is increasingly regarded as an employee benefit, a trend that has gained significance with the rise of hybrid work. Employees now prefer the flexibility to work both at home and in the office.

When people eagerly anticipate going to work in a well-maintained and functional office, they are more likely to be present consistently. Additionally, the office can contribute to employer branding, turning content and motivated employees into proud company ambassadors. In a competitive job market where employees frequently switch workplaces, most companies recognize the importance of attracting ambitious top talent.

Gain actionable insights with workplace analytics

It's easy to get carried away when selecting the right interior design and planning comfortable spaces. However, there's more to creating a thriving workplace than lush plants and inspirational quotes. Several other factors contribute to an optimized office layout.

The pursuit of the perfect, appropriately-sized office has heightened the demand for space managers, responsible for optimizing office spaces. They typically analyze occupancy rates and desk usage in the building to ensure efficient streamlining. Working in collaboration with the CEO, CTO, and CMO, they make informed decisions for the future.

At times, this task may feel overwhelming, and both space and office managers might be tempted to rely on guesswork. They might create new meeting rooms here and there, or invest in comfortable lounge sofas, and more. Such solutions can quickly turn into costly investments. Will they be sufficient to drive long-term revenue?

Enhance business decisions with a workplace analytics solution

Recently, workplace analytics has emerged as a dependable method to eliminate guesswork and make more precise business decisions. With the aid of current and historical data, space managers can make informed and strategic choices. When combined with knowledge about how the company and its employees operate, it becomes easier to optimize the workplace.

The expenses related to real estate and leasing have risen significantly. By making strategic decisions and being cost-effective, a company can keep its finances in check.

As a bonus, this approach will result in a workplace that employees adore. Next, we will delve deeper into workplace analytics.

Exploring workplace analytics

Workplace analytics refers to using the right tools to track relevant metrics. Some examples to track daily are: 

  • Room occupancy
  • Number of meeting rooms used
  • Number of unused desks
  • Underperforming spaces
  • Total number of employee attendance
  • Total number of daily visitors

By analyzing this data, you can identify weekly and monthly trends, and compare valuable insights to the previous year. You can make adjustments to improve your workspace and be more frugal with your decisions. 

The primary benefits of workplace analytics

Workplace analytics can significantly benefit the company in terms of finances, strategy, and social aspects. It is in the best interest of decision-makers, such as CTOs, and office managers to consider the inclusion of workplace analytics

Strategic decision making with workplace analytics

When making predictions for the future, workplace analytics is a valuable tool in your arsenal. There are numerous factors to consider in the workplace, particularly when there is a mix of remote and hybrid employees, varying work policies, and ever-changing demands.

When space managers have data to support their decisions, they gain confidence in making the right choices. Everything, from maintenance to chair rearrangements, becomes more manageable when you can track daily, monthly, and yearly attendance. It also facilitates forecasting potential issues related to employee turnover and productivity.

Typically, there are two types of workplace analytics:

  • Predictive analytics - which means analyzing data to make predictions about the future. 
  • Prescriptive analytics - where the tool actually makes new suggestions based on data.

By combining the two types of workplace analytics, you will make sure to get a comprehensive and useful overview.

Improve employee experience with tidy and safe office spaces

Employees and visitors should always feel safe and comfortable, considering that most employees spend a significant number of hours in the office each day. Moreover, it's crucial to make a positive impression when clients visit. Therefore, prioritizing security and hygiene is essential.

The potential for germ transmission can escalate when many people share the same workspace. Data can help visualize which areas are heavily frequented and the number of surfaces that require sanitization, ensuring that all hygiene protocols are adhered to.

Likewise, occupancy data allows you to configure the appropriate lighting and alarm sensors in the building. Lights can be programmed to activate and deactivate at the right times, enhancing the overall sense of security. This is particularly beneficial for early birds and night owls who work outside of regular office hours.

Data also serves as a solid foundation when crafting office policies and can be used to justify your decisions. It's not always easy to be the bearer of rules in a room, but it's absolutely necessary for the well-being of everyone.

Elevate productivity with workplace analytics

Few things are as time-consuming as running around searching for a desk and trying to locate your colleagues. As we all know, time equals money. In the hybrid office, the ability to flexibly change desks is undoubtedly an advantage, but it usually requires an effective system in place.

With workplace analytics, it's possible to analyze activity patterns and occupancy within the building. This ensures there are enough desks for everyone and the appropriate number of meeting rooms in various sizes, with spaces available for booking in advance.

Right-sizing the office and providing practical workspaces enhances collaboration, considered one of the strongest indicators of a successful company. Complex problems often require team members from the same department or even different departments to gather in a designated space.

When people can work hassle-free, production levels increase.

Workplace analytics for proactive business leaders

Are you searching for the fast lane to success? Just as all roads lead to Rome, all business leaders understand the significance of a robust business strategy and the value of making data-driven decisions.

The more insights you gather with workplace analytics, the easier it becomes to make informed decisions. In the long run, this positively impacts employee performance and creativity.

Seeking guidance on how to set up your hybrid office for success?

Don't hesitate to schedule a meeting with one of our product experts. They can provide valuable insights into our solutions and how technology can help streamline your office processes without disrupting employees' daily work.

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