Dec 12, 2022

What is hybrid work?

The hybrid work model has been lifted as the future model of office work. But what is hybrid work and what does hybrid work and having a hybrid work model actually mean? Let us sort it out!

Hybrid work has been lifted as the future model of office work. But what is hybrid work and what does hybrid work and having a hybrid work model actually mean? So let us sort out the definition and meaning of hybrid work!

What is Hybrid working?

Hybrid working has been increasingly more common during the last decade but reached its peak in popularity during the covid-19 pandemic and when it was time to start and return to the office. At its core, hybrid work simply means working from different locations or giving employees the ability to change the work environment depending on the circumstance. For example, a hybrid workplace could allow the employees to have a hybrid work schedule which means that they would be working partly from both the office and partly from home, or allow employees to freely select between office full time, work from different offices, or remote work. The Hybrid work solution and hybrid work models can be combined in many ways and are not specific to a certain title or industry.

What is a hybrid work schedule?

Hybrid work shares many similarities with Flexible working, a model that is flexible in both when and where employees can work. The main difference is that hybrid work only means flexibility in the environment and not during working hours.

Having a hybrid workplace can have many benefits, for example, it can give employees increased autonomy and opportunity to combine their private life more effectively with work, it can also decrease cost and time spent traveling and increase individual responsibility. Because more and more companies are offering hybrid work, adapting to a hybrid work model to your office can create competitive advantages for keeping and recruiting talents to your workforce, and also improve employee engagement.

When exploring the hybrid work model definition, it's essential to understand that various types of hybrid work models exist. This flexibility allows companies to find the ideal model that suits their organizational needs and employee preferences. The most common types of hybrid work models include remote work, job sharing, and compressed workweeks. Each model offers unique benefits and challenges, and companies can also create a customized hybrid work model by combining elements from these different approaches to best fit their specific needs.

When creating a hybrid work model, it is important to consider the needs of both employees and the company. Employees need flexibility, trust, and communication from their employers in order to feel comfortable working outside of the traditional office setting. Employers should be clear about their expectations and guidelines for hybrid work, and provide employees with the resources they need to be successful.

The hybrid workplace can offer many benefits, but it is important to create a model that works for both the company, its employees, and the company culture. With the right model in place, hybrid work can help improve productivity, employee engagement, creativity, and retention while also giving employees more flexibility and opportunity to balance their work and personal lives and have a better work-life balance.

What is a hybrid work schedule and what are the benefits?

Clearly, having a hybrid work schedule has emerged as the standard for many companies as they give you the best of getting to work remotely while still trying to develop one of the advantages that collaboration can offer. The best solution for remote work in-office work environments is the creation of an efficient and flexible working environment and to build it into the company culture. This can be done through a hybrid work schedule that gives employees the chance to work from home some of the time but come into the office for certain tasks or meetings.

Many companies are already taking advantage of this type of schedule and reaping the many benefits it has to offer. Let's take a look at some of the benefits of using hybrid work schedules to their advantage.

The benefits of a hybrid work schedule and a hybrid working model are many. First, it allows employees to have more flexibility in their lives. They can take care of personal errands or tasks during the day without having to take time off from work. They can also work from home when they need to, which can save them time and money on transportation costs.

Second, it allows for better collaboration among employees. By having everyone in the office at the same time, team members can easily communicate and collaborate on projects. This can be especially helpful for companies that are remote-work friendly but still want to maintain some of the benefits of in-person collaboration.

Third, it can help to boost employee productivity. Employees who work from home sometimes have a harder time staying focused and productive, but this is not as much of an issue when they are working in the office part of the time. And finally, it can help to improve employee morale. Employees who are able to work from home some of the time without having to be remote workers all the time are more likely to be happy and productive in their jobs.

Work when and how you're most productive

A typical in-office model requires that employees work between 9 am and 5 pm each working day. In hybrid work models, workers can work on more projects at the times they need them the most. Some people work best at night while others do better at dawn. Alternatively, they could work together with teammates on site, or head off to distant locations. Work when and how you're most productive.

The important thing is to let workers find the most productive time for themselves, rather than adhering to a one-size-fits-all work schedule. This could mean starting work an hour or two later than usual to avoid traffic or working from home a few days a week to eliminate commutes entirely.

Some companies are also letting their employees take time off in the middle of the day to run errands or catch a nap. And others are experimenting with four-day workweeks.

No matter what schedule you choose, make sure that you're taking advantage of modern technology tools to stay connected with your team and projects. The bottom line is that companies need to be more flexible with their work arrangements to meet the needs of a changing workforce.

Better work-life balance

Find some balance through flexible working arrangements. When a worker has more flexibility in his or her job schedule it gives them more time to take care of the things that occur within their personal life. This can prevent a lot of unnecessary stress from occurring.

Flexible working arrangements can take many different forms. Some companies may allow their employees to work from home a couple of days a week, while others may have more flexible hours. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but giving employees some control over their schedule can go a long way in terms of work-life balance.

In addition to flexible working arrangements, there are a number of other ways to promote better work-life balance. Employers can offer on-site child care, paid parental leave, and gym memberships. They can also encourage employees to take their vacation days and use them for leisure travel.

Creating a better balance between work and personal life is not only good for employees, but it is also good for employers. When employees are stressed out and unhappy, they are less productive. Promoting a healthy work-life balance can lead to happier and more productive employees.

Hire talent from all over the world

With a hybrid model, you can recruit employees from all across the world. The availability of more skilled talent makes hiring specialized people easier. It gives your business a competitive advantage, helps you enter new market areas, and helps ensure 24/7 productivity.

A remote work policy can help you attract the best and the brightest employees, regardless of where they live. It’s a great way to build a more diverse workforce and tap into new pools of talent.

There are a few things to keep in mind when recruiting internationally:

  • Make sure you understand the local labor market and the laws governing hiring.
  • Be aware of cultural differences and be sure to adapt your job postings and interview questions accordingly.
  • Consider using a bilingual recruiter or translation service to help you connect with candidates in other countries.
  • With a little planning, you can build a top-notch team from anywhere in the world.

Clearly, hybrid work schedules have a lot to offer companies and employees alike. If you're looking for a way to improve your remote work environment for your in-office employees, consider using a hybrid schedule. It may just be the solution you're looking for.

Potential problems with the hybrid work model

In our blog post “The effects of remote working”, we touch on the fact that, if not implemented correctly, remote work can affect the employee’s connection to the company, and the hybrid environment, making it more difficult to keep talents within the business and promoting loyalty to the brand. Studies also indicate that employees who work more from home are less likely to receive promotions or other benefits.

Offer a Consistent Experience

Another disadvantage of hybrid models is they will likely turn remote workers into second-class consumers if they work remotely or on a remote network. In the most effective manner, organizations should aim for a similar experience for remote workers and in-house workers through the creation of guidance on putting the emphasis on the online communication of information in person. It is essential to plan meetings with remote employees in mind. Instead of meeting most people in the meeting room with remote staff and team members on a screen, all people will have the same interaction if they can attend the meeting remotely from a computer. Remote workers would also have less fear of being seen or heard.

If an organization is unable to achieve a consistent experience for its remote workers, they will very likely experience high rates of employee turnover. Low morale has been linked with absenteeism and lower productivity, so a company that does not offer consistency is at risk for significant losses.

The goal of many companies is to have a diverse workforce, which can be difficult to achieve if everyone is not given the same opportunities. A lack of consistency in the workplace can also lead to mistrust and resentment among employees. It is important to have a system in place that sets expectations and gives employees the tools they need to succeed, regardless of their location.

Offering a consistent experience to all employees is the best way to create a cohesive and productive workforce. Companies can avoid the negative consequences that come with a misaligned workforce by adopting this approach.

Pay attention to where leadership works

The key to successful hybrid models depends primarily on the location and time a leadership group spends in its role. If the management of a company works mostly from the offices, other staff members are likely also interested. However, if the managers lead from different locations or spend little time at the office, it can be difficult to build trust and respect.

Most people would agree that some type of leadership is necessary for any organization to achieve its goals, but what is less clear is where that leadership should come from. There are a number of different models for how leadership can be structured within an organization, but one that is gaining popularity in recent years is the hybrid model.

The hybrid model of leadership combines the best aspects of two different leadership styles: top-down and bottom-up. In a top-down leadership model, decisions are made by a small group of leaders at the top of the organization and then cascaded down to the lower levels. In a bottom-up model, decision-making is decentralized and more team-based. The hybrid model takes the best of both worlds and combines them into a single leadership structure.

There are a number of advantages to this approach. First, it allows for quicker decision-making since there is a single point of authority. Second, it builds trust and respect because lower-level employees are more involved in the decision-making process. Finally, it allows for greater creativity and innovation as ideas can come from anywhere in the organization.

While there are many advantages to using a hybrid model of leadership, there are also some potential drawbacks. First, it can be more difficult to implement since it requires a change in the way people are used to making decisions. Second, it can be more difficult to manage a hybrid model than a top-down or bottom-up model. Finally, it can be more difficult to maintain consistency across different locations if the leadership is not centralized.

Despite the potential drawbacks, the hybrid model of leadership is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the way an organization functions. If you are considering using this model in your organization, it is important to pay attention to where leadership works best and to make sure you have the right mix of top-down and bottom-up leaders.

Maybe a hybrid leadership model is also what works best in a hybrid work model.

Working from home also makes it more difficult for managers to monitor the results of the employees, and collaboration may suffer.

With that said, the benefits of hybrid work are still many, and if remote work is combined with office work, as in hybrid working, these things do not need to cause any issues.

What to think about when implementing hybrid working.

If you are thinking about implementing hybrid working at your office, the first problem you will encounter is the surplus of office space. If employees work from home 50% of the time, your office will be empty 50% of the time. Therefore, the entire office space needs to be reconsidered if hybrid working is something you are looking for.

Take a look at your seating arrangements, Fixed desks will probably not be needed, therefore, make sure to read up about hot desking and desk hoteling for a more effective workplace.

Hybrid working may seem like something that can be easily implemented, just give the employees the ability to work from home! But to make this cost-efficient, office space will probably need to be reduced. But with that comes another problem, we need to make sure that the office is not overcrowded when the number of seats is reduced, and make sure that employees and different team members who come to the offices have a place to work at.

Use the right technology for a better hybrid work experience

Desk booking solutions are the best way to adapt to a workplace that offers hybrid work and still creates stability and certainty for employees. The right technology can help you find the perfect balance between employees who need to be in the office and those remote workers who can work from home.

Flowscape in 30 seconds

When it comes to choosing the right desk booking solution, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, consider how many employees you have and how many desks you need. Then, think about what features are most important to you.

Do you need a desk booking solution that integrates with your existing office management software? Do you want a solution that allows for easy desk sharing or hot desking? What about one that offers contactless check-in?

Once you know what you need, it’s time to start shopping around. Here at Flowscape, we offer a wide array of desk booking solutions.

As a summary, make sure you have asked yourself the following questions.

  • How will hybrid working affect the flow of employees in your office?
  • How much office space will actually be needed after regarding the question above?
  • If office space should be reduced, what tools are you thinking about implementing to make office work possible without risking overcrowding?

Want expert advice? Contact us for help!

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Flowscape provides a comprehensive solution designed to manage hybrid work schedules.